Task Cards in French and Spanish
We are excited to offer another free resource to support teachers who are using our program. As students move through an RLRA unit, we are seeking to give them enough practice time that they own the language we are targeting. It is our hope that the structures, vocabulary, and expressions present in our partner conversations will become second-nature to our students. At the end of each unit, we have a self-evaluation where students can reflect on how well they have accomplished this goal. Here is an example from Unit 2 of REAL SPANISH ahora mismo Level 1:
Auto-eval, Spanish Level 1, Unit 2
While the self-evaluation is a great tool for student reflection, we felt that there was something missing in keeping students accountable, so we created task cards for each unit in Level 1 French and Spanish.
Here are some ways to use these resources:
Use the full screen version to review as a class.
Print out packets and staple together to provide students with all the task cards in the unit.
Have students use these with or without access to the partner conversations, depending on their comfort level.
Use as review at the of the unit, or use select task cards to work on a particular skill during the unit.
Encourage students to stretch themselves to use a variety of vocabulary; they can jot down ideas from the conversations on their task card packet.
Have students work individually to complete each task. Remind them that they will sometimes need to take on two roles!
Have students work with a partner to complete each task.
Have students work in small groups to complete each task.
Have students volunteer to perform for the class, completing a particular task.
After giving students ample practice time, use the cards as oral evaluations.
We hope these resources will be useful to you and your students. If you donโt already use our program, we hope you will have a good feel for the goals and outcomes of our communicative approach. Enjoy!